Broadening the Tax Base  Ensuring Our Future Prosperity  What's the Best Option for Hong Kong?
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Consultation Document & Leaflets
Interim Report
Final Report
Compendium of Written Submissions
Advisory Committee's Report(2002)
Other Options for Broadening Tax Base
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  List of Written Submissions  

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Serial No.


2185 chan peter
2186 Kris
2187 公民力量
2188 民主黨
2189 民主黨新界東支部黨團
2190 沙田區議員程張迎、劉帶生、劉偉倫
2191 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2192 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2193 jack
2194 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2195 Simon Tsao
2196 馮棨洪
2197 小市民
2198 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2199 (沒有署名) (Anonymous)
2200 nelsonla
2201 Dr. C K Law
2202 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2203 Cheung Ka Sin
2204 Fenton chau
2205 KH Chan
2206 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2207 小市民
2208 工聯會沙田地區服務處
2209 油尖旺區議員陳健成
2210 李國明
2211 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2212 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2213 Matthew Szeto
2214 Eric To
2215 Grace Chu
2216 Grace Wai
2217 jack
2218 Jennifer Lo
2219 Jim-ming
2220 陳軍
2221 北區議員黃良喜、周錦紹、莫兆麟、潘忠賢
2222 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2223 Hugo Ng
2224 Kitty Leung
2225 leung ricky
2226 上水區社團聯誼會、上水工商聯誼會、天平賢麗社主席楊雙英、北區青年會、區維坤區議員辦事處
2227 民主黨岑永根議員辦事處
2228 民建聯北區支部
2229 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2230 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2231 Keith
2232 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2233 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2234 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
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